Harvest Centre, Wonthaggi
A productive community garden sharing food with the community

Veggies 🥦 Berries 🍓 Fruits 🍋
Meet the gardeners and their garden
On Wednesday mornings, there’s usually at least a dozen people busily working in the gardens of the Harvest Centre, weeding, turning the compost, planting out new seedlings, and pruning fruit trees. By late morning, tools are downed and exchanged for a good cuppa and natter. A few members take charge of dividing up the harvest of the community vegetable plots so everyone goes home with whatever’s fresh and in season.
Come to see, learn and be inspired!
In addition to its new partnership with the Men’s Shed, the Harvest Centre hosts a monthly Produce Swap at 10am on the second Saturday of the month, is home to the Fix-It Café, runs “Pop-Up” Free shops and has visits from schools and gardening groups who are interested to learn from the volunteer members
Signs on the Harvest Centre fence show monthly planting schedules for different foods; the Harvest Centre volunteer gardeners also package up seeds which are shared with other people and other community gardens and added to the Free Library outside the Garden
Fruits and berries include olives, lemons, apples, apricots, plums, quince, mandarin, feijoas, peaches, table grapes, strawberries and raspberries
If you would like to join the Harvest Centre, come along on Wednesday mornings, rain or shine, see: https://www.facebook.com/people/Harvest-Centre-and-Produce-Swap/100064752966861/
To encourage more people to garden at home, the Harvest Centre will be offering seed packets and seedlings during the Edible Gardens weekend; if you are in luck, the Men’s Shed may have available some bee houses which provide a refuge for native bees, wasps and other pollinators
From 11am on both Saturday and Sunday, there will be live music courtesy of a local group, Keachange
Parking and accessibility
Parking in Murray Street and nearby shopping centre carparks. Limited parking is available outside the Garden via a dirt road off the south eastern corner of the Big W car park. The garden is flat and easily accessible with gravel pathways.
Behind 6 Murray Street, Wonthaggi, across the Rail Trail.