Coronet Bay Community Garden, Coronet Bay
A community garden with smart raised garden beds

Veggies 🥦 Berries 🍓 Fruits 🍋
Meet the gardeners and their garden
In a short five years, the all-volunteer members have transformed the landscape of this windswept space. Well-mulched mounds planted with native trees create a series of windbreaks attracting attract many native birds, while raised garden beds are the answer to the challenges of the often-wet location. This garden benefits from the creative skills of its members who have built wicking beds and other water-wise approaches for growing edibles and other plants. The use of permaculture and environmentally sound practices such as the use of repurposed materials, composting and a worm farm, are present in a visually pleasing way.
Come to see, learn and be inspired!
Over the last year, there has been a strengthened focus on Indigenous edibles some of which include lemon myrtle, mat rush, pale flax lily, lemon scented teatree, lily pilly, mint bush, white correa, warrigal greens, pig face, salt bush, yam daisy myrnong, native dandelion, coastal wattle, mountain pepper, happy wanderer, bottlebrush and running postman
Ask garden members for their advice on building and using wicking beds; there’s a real variety of vegetable beds here including IBCs (intermediate bulk containers), recycled water tanks and some new raised timber beds
An extensive hothouse/igloo allows for propagation of seedlings, from harvested seed and experimental growing of vegetables out of season
Fruits, berries and nuts include: strawberry guava, apples, apricots, nectarines, olives, figs, passionfruit, Meninde table grapes, lemons, oranges, mandarins, cumquats, limes, strawberries, Jostaberries, blueberries, currants, and macadamias
Garden members hold regular events to share knowledge and skills; a real crowd-pleaser was a recent demonstration and taste testing of herbal teas using leaves from herbs growing in the community garden
For information on joining, follow the Coronet Bay Community Garden group at:; garden gatherings are held Thursdays from 10am onwards (discussion on tasks, complimentary tea/coffee and cake), while on the second Sunday of each month from 2.30 onwards a short task session is followed by a social gathering and produce share table
Parking and accessibility
Park in the parking area directly in front of the community garden. The garden is mainly flat and easily accessible.
Bantering Bay Road (end of the road near Fred Gration Reserve), Coronet Bay