Peter and Lyn’s Farm, Glen Forbes
A sprawling rural garden with intermingled orchard

Veggies 🥦 Berries 🍓 Fruits 🍋 Bees 🐝 Chickens 🐔
Meet the gardeners and their garden
Peter and Lyn came to Glen Forbes in 2001 and set about clearing the remaining piles of history from around the old dairy and yards, planting a small veggie patch near the old house. Over the years, the veggie patches have moved and multiplied, many more trees have been added, and generations of chooks have come and gone. While Peter is the chief vegetable gardener, Lyn manages the rambling ornamental gardens that surround their home including dahlias, bulbs, Pride of Madeira and many other beautiful flowers. Weeding and pruning is a constant struggle in a garden this size, but garden they do, every day!
Come to see, learn and be inspired!
Seasonal and successional planting are important skills in managing vegetable gardens to ensure year-round harvests. The staples include brassicas, peas and leeks in winter, potatoes, greens, carrots, peas and broad beans in spring; green beans, zucchini, tomatoes and capsicum in summer, and pumpkins onto into autumn and winter. Really whatever / whenever!
Ask Peter about his approach to soil improvement for his veggies including generous amounts of compost, coral lime to support biorich organisms, and protecting the soil from the summer heat with even more compost with minimal watering
Fruit trees and berries include lemonade lemons, mandarins, tangelos, limes, feijoa, cumquat, damson plums, green gage plums, apples, figs, quince, pears, olives, boysenberries, youngberries
See if you can spot the wild hive of European bees that has made a home in the poplar tree beyond and behind the old house
Enjoy wandering around the rambling ornamental gardens (there are some veggies and herbs secreted in these gardens also), explore the pathways, discover the charming stone studio built by Peter at the back of the property
Parking and accessibility
Drive up the shady driveway and a volunteer will show you where to park. This rural property has some uneven sections, some areas with steps and narrow pathways, and there may be snakes. Please exercise caution. Please respect that as a working farm, biosecurity is important. Clean footwear and no access to paddocks or shed/old working areas.