Opening your garden
Be part of an exciting community event by opening your garden to the public! Each year, we celebrate the diversity of edible gardens across Bass Coast.

If you're passionate about growing your own food and want to share your experience, we'd love to have you join us. Read on to find out more about what it takes to participate, how we support our gardeners, and what you can expect on the weekend.
​​​What happens during the Edible Gardens weekend?
All participating gardens are open from 10-4 on Saturday and Sunday. While visitor numbers vary according to the weather, there are about 200 visitors, on average, to each garden over the weekend. Our gardeners wear bright red T-shirts - this makes it easier for visitors who might have questions about your garden to find you! We help to find volunteers who will support you by welcoming visitors at the gate, selling tickets and distributing brochures about the location of gardens.
How do I see the other edible gardens if I open my garden?
Our gardeners are kept busy answering questions at their own garden during the Edible Gardens weekend. To make sure that you get a chance to visit the other gardens, we organise a few half-day progressive garden visits two to three weeks prior to the Edible Gardens weekend. During these visits, the participating gardeners meet with their fellow gardeners, as well as get tips from previous years' gardeners about their experiences.
How do we select which gardens will be included?
Our visitors have told us they really enjoy the variety of food gardens that are open each year. In selecting gardens, we try to achieve:
Variety in garden size, ranging from small gardens to rural properties and farms;
Variety in how food is grown such as wicking beds, no dig beds, permaculture, hydroponics, vertical gardens and espaliering;
A good distribution of gardens across the whole of Bass Coast Shire.
What are the next steps if I'm interested?
Contact us: Email us at Tell us a little about your garden (where you are, what you grow, how you grow, when you established your garden, how to contact you).
Not ready to showcase your garden?
No problem! You can still be a part of this wonderful event. Consider volunteering with us and help make the Bass Coast Edible Gardens event a success!